UN連線: 台灣青年於正式會議執言




TWYCC代表團員—簡世儒,代表青年非政府組織(YOUNGO)的氣候培力行動工作小組(Action for Climate Empowerment, ACE Working Group)發言,要求大會正視「氣候教育」未被納入各國計畫之中的事實,並提出青年參與機制,及強調「下而上」(bottom up)互動的重要性。







我們要求各國都針對氣候培力設置一個「國家對口」(national focal point for ACE),並將「氣候培力」納入他們實踐巴黎協定的計畫之中。我們要求透過「官方青年代表計畫」,提升各國青年在代表團中的參與度。

面對氣候變遷,青年是受影響最大的族群,這也讓「世代衡平」(Intergenerational Equity, Inteq)成為實踐「氣候正義」不可或缺的一環,我們必須得到更多的決策管道和能力建構,才有機會促成轉型動能。青年已經注意到「由下而上」互動模式的必要性,才能讓整體機制對最弱勢的群體有益。





Dear Chair and distinguished delegates,

My name is Chien Shih-ju. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of YOUNGO. Looking back at the past week, there have been many procedural conclusions, however not as many substantive decisions have been made.

How can we limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius without immediate action from all factions of society? We need pre-2020 action, with a clear and comprehensive roadmap. We, YOUNGO, believe the items of Action for Climate Empowerment — ACE — are the foundation for implementation. Today is Education Day at COP22. We have seen many events highlighting ACE and a set of guidelines announced by the Secretariat.

Unfortunately, most countries still fail to prioritize ACE in their NDCs. We conducted an analysis and found that only 23 out of 197 parties mention both ACE and Youth in their NDCs. We ask for all countries to identify a national focal point for ACE and integrate ACE into their plans towards achieving the aims of the Paris Agreement.

We ask for youth participation in the delegations, through programs such as Youth Delegates Programs. Youth will be the most affected by climate change, making intergenerational equity integral to fostering climate justice and therefore we should be provided access and capacity to enable the transition. Youth have noted that, a bottom-up interaction is essential if we want to make sure that all the mechanism implemented is beneficial for the most vulnerables.

As young people, we cannot afford to wait. All of us in this room and the rest of the world should know, that the implementation of the Paris Agreement is our challenge and that we are the ones who have to tell coming generations if we made it or not. We need to raise ambitions in the following meetings.
