這屆COP號稱是「COP for action」,特別強調「行動」,但從目前第一週的進度看起來,各代表並沒有具體的承諾,態度也不夠積極。
因此YOUNGO (UNFCCC下的青年NGO團體) 才召開這次的記者會,由各個工作小組派出一個人,闡述該小組對於第一週COP的進度和面臨的問題所持的看法,並呼籲各談判代表在COP的第二週應該要有更實際的作為。
影片中是TWYCC代表團成員代表調適工作小組 (adaptation working group) 所發表的談話。
TWYCC COP22團長代表調適工作小組發言(摘錄):
若要增強調適能力和韌性,各國應採取一些步驟來改善其政策架構的一致性和各部門之間的協調,以集結出一個整體的方案,包括永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)之間的明確連結和協同效應。
已發展國家必須向發展中國家提供足夠的資金和技術支持,以幫助執行其國家調適行動方案(National Adaptation Programmes of Action, NAPA)和(或)國家決定貢獻(National Determined Contributions, NDCs)或國家調適計劃中定義的最優先事項,以盡速減少調適差距。
巴黎協議工作小組(Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement, APA)應該發展一個流暢的溝通程序,協助發展中國家有效率地管理他們的調適計畫、解決監測上的困難、以及回報需求。
Adaptation means investing in basic infrastructure and programs to protect us against the effect of climate change.
Countries should undertake steps to improve the coherence of their policy frameworks, as well as coordination across sectors to foster an integrated approach to adaptation and climate resilience, including explicit linkages and synergies with Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs).
As Young people we call for enhancing capacity building for adaptation and addressing the adequacy and effectiveness of action and support in an inclusive and participatory manner.
Developed countries must provide sufficient funding and technical support to developing countries to support the implementation of remaining National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA) projects and/or other immediate priorities as identified in NDCs, or NAPs, to reduce the adaptation gap urgently.
the Ad-hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) should develop guidance for a streamlined communication process to assist developing countries in effectively and efficiently managing their adaptation planning, addressing monitoring challenges, as well as meeting reporting requirements.